
⚡️ WebTopics

Typed pub / sub, request / responses for web apps using Socket.io and Zod, inspired by ROS.

Documentation (https://shiukaheng.github.io/WebTopics/)


Typed and validated topics and services via Zod

const SensorTopic = createTopic("sensor", z.object({
"temperature": z.number(),
"humidity": z.number()
client.pub(SensorTopic, {temperature: 20, humidity: "50%"}) // Error: Expected number, received string

Collaborative topics

client1.pub(channel, {a: "1"})
client2.pub(channel, {b: "2"}) // New state merged on old by default
client3.sub(channel, (value) => {
console.log(value) // {a: "1", b: "2"}
client2.pub(channel, {b: "2"}, true) // Or publishing as an overwrite
// client 3 receives: {b: "2"}

Async service calls

const AdditionService = createService("add", 
// Request schema
"a": z.number(),
"b": z.number()
// Response schema

// Call service
const result = await client.req(AdditionService, someClientID, {a: 1, b: 2}) // Promise<number>

Packagable channels for easy sharing between client and server

export const AdditionService = createService("add", 
"a": z.number(),
"b": z.number()

export const SensorTopic = createTopic("sensor", z.object({
"temperature": z.number(),
"humidity": z.number()

// Client and server can share the same channels from an external package
import {AdditionService, SensorTopic} from "channels"

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